Residence Halls

There are many questions about staying on campus, chief among them whether Longwood really wants students to come back for the debate. The answer is a resounding YES, and the university has taken steps to make it as easy as possible for you to stay. Below are some frequently asked questions about residence halls during Fall Break and the debate week.


For all residents

Will my residence hall room be open during Fall Break and the debate?

Yes, residence halls will be open, with one caveat. At some point on Monday, Oct. 3, Curry and Frazer will be closed for security reasons until after the debate. Please see the section below “For Curry and Frazer residents” if you live in one of those buildings.

Do I need to register to stay for Fall Break like in the past?

No. This is a special year and we are hoping that all students return to take part in debate festivities. We are only asking students who live in Curry and Frazer to let us know their plans (see below).

Can I have a guest during Fall Break and the debate?

Yes, normal rules for residence hall guests apply.

Will anyone go through my room?

Whenever there is a break or extended closure of the University, staff conduct routine safety and health inspections of each Longwood Managed Property room. Staff will enter rooms to perform routine checks such as smoke detector testing, looking for flammable materials, and/or reporting maintenance concerns. Staff will never open closets, dressers, refrigerators or any of your personal items to look for violations. All rooms in Curry and Frazer will be quickly inspected by federal authorities at some point before the debate (see below).


For Curry and Frazer residents

How long will my building be closed?

We expect that window to be about 30 hours, and residents can leave personal belongings in their room; however if you plan to be on campus we encourage you to take what you need for the time the buildings are closed.

Where will I stay?

RCL staff will make available unoccupied beds on campus for Curry and Frazer residents. Or you can choose to stay with friends on campus for the evening. In other words, students should feel free to stay with their friends in other residence halls on campus but if they would prefer for RCL to find them an unoccupied room on campus we will easily find one.

Do I need to let anyone know about my debate plans?

Yes. In order to plan for all student needs, RCL staff needs all Curry and Frazer residents to complete a Fall Break Intentions Form. It will only take a few minutes to complete and will be available in the online student housing gateway, starting Aug. 18. We ask you to fill the form out by Sept. 14.

What if I change my mind?

You can change your mind at any time and update your intention form.

What time will I have to leave my room?

We don’t know an exact time yet, only at some point during the day Monday. We’ll share an exact time with affected residents nearer to Fall Break.

Will anyone go through my room?

Yes. Normally during campus breaks, RCL staff check residence hall rooms to make sure students have left. This will be much the same, though from a security standpoint. Federal authorities will sweep all buildings, including residence halls, that are inside the security perimeter. They'll be accompanied by Longwood personnel.

When can I go back to my room?

Once the debate is over and candidates have left, both Curry and Frazer will open back up. We will send an email and text message to residents once that happens.

What if I forget something in my room after the buildings are closed -- can I get back in?

No. Once the buildings are closed, no one will be allowed back in.

Can I have guests during Fall Break?

Yes. As long as your residence hall is open, normal rules apply.